6th Homework Log

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6th Grade Homework/Newsletter

February 17-21, 2025


*Monday and Tuesday Tutoring with Ms. Flores

*Meeting for parents at B.L. Gray 5:30 Spanish 6:30 English

*Volleyball-Monday-Thursday, Football- Wednesday-Thursday

*1st Volleyball game Monday 5:00pm @ PHS,

1st Football game Wednesday 5pm @ PHS

*Wednesday B.L. Counselors are on campus to help register students for courses next year.

*Please make sure your children are reading their library books each day.This is the end of the reporting period. AR points should be made by Thursday.



  1. Reading Passages “Juniper Inn!” and “The Brief Report”
  2. Spelling Definitions
  3. Math – Homework #4, study for test

 (Read library books, be ready to test!)



  1. Reading Passage “Surprise Attack!”
  2. Spelling Your Choice
  3. Math – None

 (Read library books, be ready to test!)



1.  Reading Passage Birthday Bang

2. Spelling Practice Test

3. Math Homework #9

 (Read library books, be ready to test!)



(Read library books, be ready to test!)

Math - None



Friday-Sunday-Reading library books, be ready to test for Monday!

Spelling List

February 17-21, 2025


  1. sweltering-oppressive heat
  2. creek- a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river.
  3. tottered-to sway as if about to fall
  4. mercy-an act of compassion
  5. confiscated-to seize or take away
  6. compassion-sympathetic, pity, and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
  7. abysmal-extremely bad
  8. cereal- a grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn.
  9. peculiar-strange
  10. enraged-made angry
  11. rummaging-digging through
  12. creak-make a harsh, high-pitched sound. 
  13. intently-with great concentration
  14. serial-relating to, consisting of, or arranged in a series, rank, or row.
  15. vigorously-passionately
  16. forbidden-not allowed
  17. timidly-shyly
  18. ambling-walking along slowly and in a relaxed manner
  19. ferociously-viciously
  20. cowardly-not bravely