Sharyland ISD Grading Guidelines
Purpose for Grading Guidelines:
Sharyland ISD recognizes that implementing district-wide grading guidelines brings consistency in the assessment of the educational development, performance, and achievement of all students attending our schools. Pursuant to Board Policy EIA (Local), these grading guidelines outline (1) the number of grades teachers must take to support the grade average assigned, (2) the criteria for students to redo an assignment or retake a test, and (3) the opportunity students are provided to redo an assignment or retake a test.
Grading Guidelines
1. Teachers will record a minimum of 2 grades per week in the district electronic gradebook. Elementary Only- Content areas for which 2 grades per week will be recorded are the following: Reading, Language Arts*, Math, Science, and Social Studies. All other content areas will record a minimum of 1 grade per week.
2. Teachers will use the following in marking assignments completed by students:
Pre-K E (90-100) S (80-89) NI (70-79) U (60 ) K-12 Numerical Grades
3. To establish consistency in terminology, all subjects and all grades will use the grading categories of Major Assignments and Minor Assignments. These categories may include but are not limited to the following assignments:
Tests Reports Research Papers Projects/Presentations Essays Daily Classwork/Practices Homework Quizzes Accelerated Reader Lab Work Binder Checks Major Assignments Minor Assignments
4. The following weights will be used in determining a final grade average: Major Assignments 60% Minimum Number: 3 Minor Assignments 40% Minimum Number: 9
Elementary Only--*The following weights will be used in determining a final grade average for Language Arts: Composition Major Assignments Minor Assignments 60% Minimum Number: 3 Grammar (A teacher may opt to assess Grammar and/or Spelling within a Composition and count it as a minor assignment.) 40% Minimum Number: 9