6th Grade Homework Log

6th Grade Homework/Newsletter

January 27-31, 2025


*Morning Practice with Coach Flores Monday-Tuesday: Volleyball-GIRLS, Wednesday-Thursday After School: Football-BOYS

*Please make sure your children are reading their library books each day. 




  1. Reading Passage “Hats Off To Rules”
  2. Spelling Definitions
  3. Math – Homework #1

 (Read library books, be ready to test!)




1. Reading Passage Storm Trooper

2. Spelling Your Choice

3. Math – Homework #2, study for test

 (Read library books, be ready to test!)



1. Reading Passage “Organized Crime”

2. Spelling Your Choice

3. Math - None

 (Read library books, be ready to test!)



1. Reading Passage “Spell That!”

2. Spelling- Practice Test

3. Math ––Homework #1

(Read library books, be ready to test!)


Friday 100th Day of School!!!!



Friday-Sunday-Reading library books, be ready to test for Monday!

Spelling List

January 27-31, 2025

  1. gangling-tall and lanky
  2. disgruntle-displeased
  3. thronging-crowded
  4. transparent-easily seen through
  5. ambition-desire
  6. droned-to speak in a dull, monotonous manner
  7. ensnaring-capturing
  8. infusion-a liquid extract
  9. frantic-frenzied
  10. gloat- to do something with great or excessive, often smug or malicious, satisfaction.
  11. hobbled- to walk with a limp
  12. javelin-a light spear
  13. triumphant-victorious
  14. burly-large in bodily size
  15. keen-enthusiastic
  16. blue- a color between green and violet.
  17. blew- of wind, creating an air current.
  18. feet-lower extremity of the leg.
  19. feat- achievement that requires great courage.