All About ME :)

Mrs. J. Treviño

Mrs. Julie Treviño


  My name is Mrs. Julie Trevino. I have 20 years teaching experience having taught Pre-K, Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade.  I graduated from the University of Texas Pan American with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies. I am a bilingual certified teacher, GT certified teacher, and have been a UIL Creative Writing coach.
  I met my husband almost thirty years ago and we are the proud parents of two amazing, outgoing and successful young adults, Noe and Aby. Noe graduated from Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy(2018) and completed a Bachelor of Music Education at UNT. He currently attends The University of North Texas where he is working on a master's degree in Computer Science. Aby also graduated from Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy(2022) and is currently attending the University of Texas at San Antonio. She will graduate May of 2025 with a BBA in Real Estate, Finance and Development and a Minor in Marketing. 
   Every day and every year is a new adventure with six and seven year old students that believe all things are possible. With your support, I look forward to many years of teaching at Bentsen Elementary. Have an amazing school year!