Periods .
1. At the end of a telling sentence
I like to eat bananas.
2. At the end of a sentence that gives an order
Go get me a soda.
3. After an abbreviation
Doctor = Dr.
Question Marks ?
1. At the end of an asking sentence
Are you coming to the party?
Exclamation Marks !
1. At the end of a sentence that shows a strong emotion
What a great park!
Quotation Marks " "
1. At the beginning and end of a direct quote (person's exact words)
The teacher answered, "Yes, we are going on a field trip."
Apostrophes '
1. In a contraction to show that letters are missing
Do not = Don't
2. To show ownership
the purse of mom = mom's purse
Commas ,
1. To separate items in a series
I like to eat bananas, strawberries, and peaches.
2. After an introductory word or dependent clause
No, we are not going.
Running in the park, I became very tired.
3. After a direct address ( when you use a name)
Tom, I like your shirt.
I like your shirt, Tom.
4. Before an after a direct quote
My mom said, "Go to your room!"
"I am here," said Rob.
5. To separate the day of the month and the year in a date
May 7, 2002
6. Between a city and a state
We live in Mission, Texas.
7. After the greeting and closing of a letter
Dear Tim, Yours truly,
8. Before a conjunction (and, but, or, so) in a compound sentence
Martha went to the store, and she bought a pair of jeans